Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Running out of time!

I have neglected my post way to long!!! Just been running around like crazy trying to get our new house set up for the summer season/work/do Trade Days etc... I know I am whining but hey it's my BLOG and I can whine if I want! I had to remove some of the birthday videos because it messed up how my blog looked but, I left the birthday song because those little guys made me laugh.

Hope my many fans (HA HA) will continue to read my post! For Dawn...no we don't go to Wimberly but you need to come see us in FBG at Trade Days. V wants to join us sometime in the summer so maybe you could come check us out then!

1 comment:

valerie said...

glad to see that you haven't disappeared from the blogspot. looks like alexis and steff have. will you be posting before and after pics of the homes you're decorating???