Friday, April 25, 2008

Birding in Texas

Last weekend I headed up to the Texas Hill Country for Trade Days. I stopped in Poteet for the night at my siser-in-law's ranch and the next morning a flock of hummingbirds showed up for breakfast. There were so many of them they sounded like bees flying around. The pictures do not capture how many there were. But it was amazing to see so many at one time and they were just lovely.

Outside my mother-in-law's back door was a dove nesting. I snapped her picture and she flew out at me which scared me. So the next morning I slipped out the door as quiet as a mouse and snapped her picture when she wasn't looking.

Then I saw a peacock on top of a house and had to snap his picture to add to my collection of Texas birding!

1 comment:

valerie said...

wow, a peacock on top of somebody's house! that's cool! the dove in its nest is pretty sweet too... how fun to catch all those nature pictures. you would be a good national geographic photographer :)