Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fredericksburg Trade Days

My sister-in-law and I have decided to take another trip to the DARK SIDE and open a booth at the Fredericksburg Trade Days (opens on the third weekend of each month) and sell our varied collection of STUFF!! We got TJ and his friend to help us with the big and very heavy furniure, then we unpacked and unpacked and unpacked some more and ended up with a pretty good looking booth. We hung that bookcase on the wall!!! all by ourselves...it was like a Lucy and Ethel moment but we gotter done. After a few high fives and pats on the back we took our weary boned bodies home. Now if we just get some customers the weekend of 15-17 Feb!!! If you see something you like....we can talk!!


valerie said...

the booth looks so inviting and fun... i love all of the bookshelves and colorful dishes. you guys did a great job. the weather was perfect for that kind of work this weekend. i bet the storage shed seems empty now. i hope to visit you one weekend. i have classes on saturdays, but maybe i can still come out for a sunday.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I want everything! Geesh, you know I've never even been to Trade Days? Not once. Guess it's time, eh? (Seems like the only way we might finally get to visit). Happy Anniversary, BTW! OMG! 33 yrs?!! You both look mauvulus!

dawn said...

do you ever go to wimberley?
i love this post.